Baringo County Factsheet

Baringo County, located in the heart of the Rift Valley Province of Kenya, is a place of rich natural beauty and cultural diversity. Named after the Njemps word “mparingo,” meaning ‘lake,’ the county offers a compelling destination for visitors, students, job seekers, investors, and potential residents.

Unique Facts in Numbers

  • Area: Baringo County spans 11,015.32 square kilometers, encompassing a wide range of geographical features.
  • Population: As of the 2009 Kenya Census, the county was home to 555,561 residents, making it a vibrant and diverse community.

Geopolitical Facts


Baringo County shares its borders with eight neighboring counties, including Samburu, Laikipia, Turkana, Nakuru, Elgeyo Marakwet, West Pokot, Kericho, and Uasin Gishu.


Baringo County comprises six constituencies, each with its own distinct characteristics and contributions. Tiaty, Baringo North, Baringo Central, Baringo South, Mogotio, and Eldama Ravine.

Socio-Economic Activities

  • Ethnic Diversity: The county is home to various ethnic groups, with the Pokots, Tugens, Endorois, and Ilchamus being the dominant communities. These groups are primarily engaged in livestock keeping, with other communities residing in urban centers and participating in various economic activities.
  • Agriculture: Baringo County’s economy is primarily agro-based, with a focus on both food and cash crops. Maize, pigeon peas, Irish potatoes, beans, sorghum, and sweet potatoes are grown, alongside cash crops like coffee, cotton, macadamia, and pyrethrum.
  • Traditional Practices: Traditional attire, songs, dances, and medical practices are integral to the culture of the county, showcasing a rich heritage.

Natural Attractions

Baringo County is a beautiful region in Kenya that offers a variety of natural and cultural attractions for visitors. Some of the most popular tourist destinations in Baringo County are:

  • Lake Bogoria National Reserve: This reserve is home to the spectacular hot springs and geysers that spout boiling water and steam into the air. The lake also attracts thousands of flamingos and other bird species, making it a paradise for birdwatchers. The reserve also hosts diverse wildlife such as zebras, antelopes, buffaloes, and leopards
  • Lake Baringo: This is one of the two freshwater lakes in the Great Rift Valley and a haven for aquatic life. The lake supports over 470 species of birds, as well as crocodiles, hippos, fish, and turtles. Visitors can enjoy boat rides, fishing, camping, and cultural tours around the lake.
  • Kabarnet Museum: This museum showcases the history and culture of the local communities, especially the Tugen, Pokot, and Njemps. The museum displays traditional artifacts, musical instruments, weapons, and costumes. It also offers educational programs and cultural events 1.
  • Lake Baringo Reptile Park: This park is a sanctuary for rescued reptiles, such as snakes, lizards, tortoises, and crocodiles. The park aims to educate the public about the importance of conserving these animals and their habitats. Visitors can also interact with some of the reptiles under the guidance of the staff.
  • Ruko Conservancy: This conservancy is a community-based initiative that protects the wildlife and natural resources of the area. The conservancy is home to endangered species such as the Rothschild’s giraffe, the Grevy’s zebra, and the striped hyena. The Conservancy also offers eco-tourism activities such as game drives, nature walks, and cultural visits.

Challenges Hindering Development

Baringo County has a population of about 666,763 people and covers an area of 11,015.3 square kilometers. The county has a rich cultural and natural heritage, with diverse ethnic groups, wildlife, and scenic attractions.

However, the county also faces many challenges that hinder its development and well-being of its residents. Some of the major challenges are:

  • Poor infrastructure: The county has a poor road network, which limits access to markets, services, and opportunities. The county also lacks adequate water and sanitation systems, rural electrification, and education facilities.
  • Food insecurity: The county is prone to droughts and floods, which affect agricultural production and livelihoods. The county also has low irrigation potential and relies heavily on rain-fed agriculture. The county faces high levels of malnutrition, especially among children and women.
  • Insecurity: The county experiences frequent conflicts and violence, mainly due to cattle rustling, banditry, and resource competition. The county also suffers from the spillover effects of insecurity in neighboring counties and countries, such as Turkana, West Pokot, and South Sudan. The insecurity disrupts social and economic activities and displaces many people.
  • Environmental degradation: The county faces environmental challenges such as deforestation, soil erosion, land degradation, and loss of biodiversity. The county also has high vulnerability to climate change and variability, which exacerbates the existing challenges.

Ongoing Interventions

These challenges require concerted efforts from the county government, the national government, development partners, and the local communities to address them.

Some of the initiatives that have been undertaken or planned to overcome these challenges include:

  • Investing in county governance structures to enhance service delivery through building a competent, responsive, and accountable county public service.
  • Investing in agricultural transformation and food security, including opening up at least 60,000 acres of land under irrigation and livestock upgrading in order to enhance food security, raise incomes, and employment.
  • Investing in quality, affordable, and accessible healthcare services through upgrading Kabarnet County hospital to level five and five Sub-county hospitals to level four and improvement of existing health centers and dispensaries.
  • Infrastructure development is also a key priority for the county. In the medium term, the county government will invest in key infrastructural facilities such as roads, education facilities, markets, water and sanitation systems, and rural electrification, among others.
  • Creating a conducive business environment through investments in enterprise development, tourism, value addition, and collaboration with the national government to reduce insecurity.
  • Working towards effective management of land and natural resources through resource/spatial planning and land banks.
  • Promoting social welfare and improved standard of living by investing in social programs for women, youth, vulnerable groups, and talent development.

These initiatives are aligned with the county’s vision of “a prosperous county with high quality of life for its people” and the county’s mission of “to provide quality services to the people of Baringo County through efficient and effective resource utilization, participation, and accountability.

Economic Opportunities

Baringo County is known for its diverse natural resources, such as wildlife, lakes, rivers, forests, and minerals. Baringo County also has a rich cultural heritage, with various ethnic groups living in harmony.

Some of the major business opportunities in Baringo County are:

  • Tourism: Baringo County has many attractions for tourists, such as Lake Baringo, Lake Bogoria, Tugen Hills, Kerio Valley, and Baringo National Park. Tourism is a potential source of income and employment for the local people, as well as a way to promote the county’s culture and environment.
  • Agriculture: Baringo County has a favorable climate and fertile soil for agriculture. The main crops grown in the county are maize, beans, millet, sorghum, cassava, sweet potatoes, and fruits. The county also has a large livestock population, with cattle, sheep, goats, camels, and poultry. Agriculture is a vital sector for food security and poverty reduction in the county.
  • Mining: Baringo County has abundant mineral resources, such as diatomite, fluorspar, limestone, gemstones, and gold. Mining is a lucrative industry that can generate revenue and create jobs for the county. However, mining also poses environmental and social challenges, such as land degradation, pollution, and conflicts. Therefore, mining should be done in a sustainable and responsible manner, with respect for the rights and interests of the local communities.
  • Trade: Baringo County has a strategic location and good infrastructure for trade. The county is connected to other regions by road, rail, and air. The county also has several markets and trading centers, where goods and services are exchanged. Trade is an important activity that can boost the county’s economy and foster regional integration.

These are some of the major business opportunities in Baringo County. However, there are also other opportunities that can be explored, such as education, health, energy, and technology. Baringo County has a lot of potential for development and growth, if the opportunities are well utilized and the challenges are well addressed.

Baringo County is not just a place of natural beauty; it is a land of opportunity and culture, where challenges are met with resilience, and the potential for growth and development is evident.

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